Fuel The Future!


Our Mission

Empowering Youth To Empower Their Future!

Our Vision

Our work opens onramps to opportunity through experiential training in interpersonal and professional skills that launch the confidence to know anything is possible with strength of character, integrity and the courage to figure it out.


The Power You Hold!

A Letter to You…

If you’re here, you care about the youth and future of Detroit. L!FE Leaders addresses Detroit’s need for career development opportunities that enable young people to gain the basic skills and work experience they require to hurdle employment barriers. In 2019, the University of Michigan reported that Detroit residents lack basic skills, education, and previous work experience, all of which are compounded by the racial inequities experienced by the youth we serve. These barriers have been exacerbated by the disproportionate effects of COVID19, which have led to extraordinary loss of life and unemployment in the city of Detroit that is currently twice the national average--pointing to a continuing need for more career development opportunities.

That’s where L!FE comes in!

In just a few years, L!FE Leaders has scaled its programs exponentially and created a diversified and growing base of individual, corporate, foundation, and government support that we continue to build upon year after year.

Your contribution will help us continue to grow and will allow L!FE to invest in student wages, student-led projects, virtual learning essentials, field trips, program supplies, personal protective equipment (as necessary), and other resources that support the students and staff and program quality.

What A Donation Can Do!

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Student Wages

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Computers, Tablets, and Virtual Learning Resources

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Educational Field Trips

Become A Sponsor!

Are you interested in becoming a sponsor?

Fill out the form below for more information on how YOU can make a difference with L!FE Leaders, Inc.!

You can also contact us by phone at: 1 (833) 288-5433

Or by Email:

Amy Nederlander - Co-Founder and President at amy.nederlander@fueledbylife.org

Aaliya Davidson - Director of Development at aaliya.d@fueledbylife.org